Generally a super happy spunky baby thats just really adventurous and into everything! She's getting so fun! I know I say this like every month but this stage is so much fun! She's like my little best friend and just has so much personality!! I am in disbelief that she will be one in less than 2 months!!!!
Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): size 3 diapers! Half 0-3 clothing half 3-6! weight is 16.6 pounds and 27 inches tall!
Eyes: dark greyish blue! still holding out hope that they stay blue!
Hair: long long! super light brown! Getting light from the summer!!
Sleeping: Goes to bed around 7 or 8 and wakes up at 8-8:30! It's been so great! takes two two-three hour naps a day but I think she might be ready to shorten or get rid of her morning nap...its getting harder to get her to go down!
Eating: Non stop!!! She eats a solid three good meals of real food a day and then pretty much snacks all day! She still breastfeeds at LEAST 10 times a day...we need to work on that! I'm really hoping to wean around 12-13 months and I know it's going to be a rough transition!
Stands by herself
walks with her push toys
says "bye bye"
says "done"
gives kisses on demand
throws tantrums now. throws herself on the ground and backbends...it's real fun
can take off her diaper now
can open toilet seats and trash can
walks with her push toys
says "bye bye"
says "done"
gives kisses on demand
throws tantrums now. throws herself on the ground and backbends...it's real fun
can take off her diaper now
can open toilet seats and trash can
Her special blanket
playing with mommy's make up
when I sing to her
other people
kids around 3-6 years old
taking showers with us
bath time
the car now
when we're eating and don't give her anything
when I try to take something out of her hand
being tired
She is so, so cute!! And such a peanut 😊. Question, do you still feed her to sleep for her naps? I currently give my 5 month old a bottle before her two naps because it's the only way I settle her and soothe her to sleep. Part of me says I shouldn't be, and the other part says it's totally natural and just fine. I was just curious what your prenap routine is.