Baby Fox the Third Bumpdate!
I can’t let this entire pregnancy go without a single bumpdate!!! So here I am! I can’t believe I’m already
33 weeks!!
“Full term” in just 4 weeks! what! Where did time go? This pregnancy definitely has been the hardest on my body and so many new things and symptoms have come from it. The first thing is my placenta is anterior this time which is new for me! Second, I have a cyst on my placenta that they are watching the growth of, if it gets too big it could be a sign that it’s something other than just a cyst, this also has caused me to measure about 4 weeks ahead the whole time. Third different thing would be my tailbone pain. I fractured my tailbone during labor with my first daughter, Milan, however, the constant pain died down to pretty occasional only after sitting for an extended amount of time when she was about 7 months old. I went through phoebe’s whole pregnancy tpainfree and thankfully, didn’t fracture it again during her labor and hardly had pain from it again. Almost from the second I have been pregnant this time, the pain has been unbearable. It feels like it is a fresh fracture all over again. I’ve seen a chiropractor twice a week for the past few months but I think I am switching to a new one to hopefully see some better results! So if you’ve seen me waddling since I was 10 weeks along…now you know why! haha!
BABY SIZE: I’ll know a bit more after my ultrasound next week, but according to my apps, she is about 4.75 pounds and 18 inches long on average. About the size of a cauliflower blossom if you’re into comparing babies to food!
MATERNITY CLOTHES: Oh heavens yes. Since like 10 weeks this pregnancy!
MOVEMENT: Lots! Which I’m so so grateful for. When I first found out my placenta was anterior I had myself fully convinced that I would barely feel her and when I did that it would be super muffled, not anything I was used to. Both my previous girls were pretty crazy in the womb and those crazy movements got me through hard days honestly. I spent a few weeks the beginning of this pregnancy being pretty depressed that I wouldn’t have that same experience this time. Luckily, I was wrong and this girl is just as crazy in the womb as the older girls!
BEST MOMENT OF THE WEEK: Christmas was this week so obviously that was just super special! Milan understands so much of it this year and has been talking about Santa coming down the fireplace for months! It has been so great to be in Virginia with all of her cousins and my family.
MISS ANYTHING: Being able to move around and do things like normal. It has been a slap to my face how hard this pregnancy has been and I definitely have not been able to keep up on my house like I normally would be able to. I can barley pick up either of the girls now which is also really hard and not fair to them, so of course I miss being able to do that! I also miss being able to eat without the annoying consequence of acid reflux. A simple drink of water without consequences would be nice haha!
FOOD CRAVINGS: Not really! I love ice, but I’ve never really had really strong food cravings, mostly aversions.
ANYTHING MAKE YOU QUEASY: I haven’t really gotten sick again yet! I did late in the 3rd trimester both previous pregnancies so we will see when that comes on!
WEIGHT GAIN: About 30 pounds so far, I try not to check the scale more than I have to at my midwife appointments!
STRETCH MARKS: A few new ones!
HAPPY OR MOODY: Pretty moody at times, but overall happy! The moody days normally follow a crappy nights sleep or after 6pm everyday when I’m too exhausted to control my emotions!
SYMPTOMS: I could go on forever. I don’t think there’s one thing my body is doing normally right now haha! So many symptoms! The worst being acid reflux, rib flare pain, and my dang tailbone. It’s rough because if I sit up to help my acid reflux, my tailbone is unbearable. But if I lay down to help my tailbone and ribs, I choke on acid reflux! So fun haha!
LOOKING FORWARD TO: Getting back home and finishing the nursery! I am so close to having it done and I just love how it has turned out! I can’t wait to share either. I love going in there and just dreaming.
I have a follow up ultrasound next week that I’m really excited about! I never have had an ultrasound this late in pregnancy so it will be a new experience! I have a mass on my placenta that they are watching the growth of which is the reason for the scan!
LEFT TO DO: January and february is full on baby prep time! I need to order my birth pool, we have a labor class to attend ( just a quick one), I have 2 lessons with Michael and my Doula to go over ways both of them can best help me in labor. I have my home visit with my midwives where they come to my house and make sure everything is all set up alright for the home birth, and a few other last minute baby items still need to be purchased! Mostly the small things like gas drops, a baby tub, my pump etc!
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