
I’m just going to start off by saying that this is totally one of those cliché post about how great life is and how grateful I am for everything and every one.

This thanksgiving was very very different then the ones I’m used to. The biggest difference is that I’m married and have my husband with me! Which is a good thing of course! Another difference is that my older sister Amanda wasn’t there! I sure do miss her little boy and I can’t wait to see them soon! There is a possibility that they will be moving out east as well, fingers crossed! My dad was also missing! He is away on a last minute business trip; at least he has my brother in law with him so he wasn’t alone! And yet more people missing; both of my brothers gone! Tyson is in Utah with my mom’s family that is there and Brock is in the Marines and was not able to get leave for the holiday! So what normally is a very full house, is just 5 of us here! Last thanksgiving there was over 50 of us there!

Thanksgiving Day was pretty laid back and simple, my mom made a delicious meal and of course we topped it off with a 6 o’clock run to Wal-Mart to snatch up a $20 queen air mattress! This was really the only thing we cared enough to go out and fight the crowds to get, we want it to be a tad more enjoyable for people if they want to come and visit us. This is me telling people to come visit us.

The weekend started out with taking the kids ice skating. Which was kind of embarrassing due to the fact that Michael is a star on that ice, he has played hockey quite a bit and jumped right back to it. On the other hand, the two-year-old flying past me was showing I me up. Whatever it’s cool, I didn’t feel dumb at all. We still had a good time!

Thanksgiving Day was pretty laid back and simple, my mom made a delicious meal and of course we topped it off with a 6 o’clock run to Wal-Mart to snatch up a $20 queen air mattress! This was really the only thing we cared enough to go out and fight the crowds to get, we want it to be a tad more enjoyable for people if they want to come and visit us. This is me telling people to come visit us.


Of course my husband: everyday I lived before I met him I didn’t know what I was missing out on.
My family: we are all in great contact and stay in touch, that’s the main reason I started this blog.
My health: I haven’t always had this blessing and have had my fair share of health complications through my life, but right now, right now I am grateful for my health.
The gospel: it is the only thing I have living out here in North Carolina that makes me feel at home. No matter where I go or what troubles I am going through, the church is a constant comforter.
My home: I complain about my little apartment a lot, way more than I should, because it is a home, one that I share with my husband.
My education: again, I complain about that A LOT, but then I remember all the people that don’t have the privilege to gain an education, and I know it is what I need to make my future better.

This list could really go on, and I am considering starting a thankful journal for the year 2014 after I have been pondering all my blessings this past week.

ps: my blog is in the process of getting redesigned, ignore the fact that it is all over the place.
