Christmas Vacation

Man have these past three weeks been good or what? It all started off with flying to Phoenix!! First time I have been there since august and first time Michael has been there since May! It was way too good to be home for the holidays! The 18 days that we were there consisted of lots of bahama bucks, costa vida, seeing old friends, and spending way too much time baby cuddling (just kidding there’s no such thing) and with family and all 6 nieces and nephews that also got to come out!
Having Baby Fox there, the newest nephew, did not help Michael’s baby hunger one bit! Haha he has it a case of it since day one, and a bad one.
This Christmas eve and Christmas was the first one away from my own family, but it didn’t feel like that at all because I was surrounded by my new family!

 (this one was a joke and happened to turn out)

For Christmas Michael got a new MacBook Pro laptop and I got the puppy, which I pick up IN ONE WEEK!

New years was spent with some friends at their apartment, we went hot tubing, made some s’mores, and then lit off some fireworks out in an empty field, and went to go through old pictures and reflect on the past adventures!

Flying back to north Carolina was slightly depressing knowing that the next time we will be able to go back to Arizona will be a long time from now, however, I am ready to tackle this year and all that it has in-store for us!
