Size (Diapers, Onesies, Etc.): All 0-3 month clothing! We moved her up to size 2 diapers last week!!

Eyes:  Blissfully blue!

Hair:  Still light brown and so LONG! Its really thin so it doesn’t look like she has much but she has hairs on there that are like 4 inches long!

Sleeping: We’ve kinda had a little bit of a rough patch since moving to Arizona! I think it’s a mixture between 4 month sleep regression, being sick (poor girl has been SO congested and has the WORST cough that wakes her up all night long), being in a new place, and us being so busty she hasn’t been getting good naps during the day! I think we are starting to get back to her normal and she is only up once around 5 am now! So 8pm-5am and then until about 8am! She’s up for about an hour and then goes down for a 2-hour nap and another 2-hour nap in the afternoon!

Eating:  Exclusively breastfed! Whoop whoop! I am totally in denial that she’s old enough to eat rice cereal (according to some docs) and things like that! We have decided to keep her exclusively breastfed until 6 months and then we will introduce some veggies and pureed food!

·      She screams screams screams all day long! She’s always known her voice but she’s really discovered how loud it really can go!
·      She’s so so close to rolling over from back to stomach! Any day now I’m betting!

Her wubbanub giraffe. She doesn’t suck on the binkie of course but just plays around with it.
Her “night night” soft blankets touching her face
Being swaddled
Being tickled
Giving huge slobbery kisses
Her feet

New people. She is so so so shy!
The car still
Being left alone
