Currently its January 21st and I am just getting around to doing December's photo dump hahaha whoops! Oh well all that matters is that I get it done! December was really relaxing! I was with my parents for that whole month and did a lot of lounging around, family time, and christmas fun! January has been going a million miles a minute hence the lacking in blogging! I'll get into the hang of it one day! 


  1. These are gorgeous! Found your blog from ErgoBaby's IG account (recognized the beautiful Arizona landscape) and had to come say hi! I moved to Phoenix last year from FL and love meeting other local bloggers! Xoxo

  2. Oooh, how does she like the doorway bouncer? I've been debating one of those.

  3. Your baby girl is so cute! :) Love all these pictures

  4. all your photos of you and the little miss are seriously TOO much sweetness! i have been a fan of your IG account for a while and it's fun to peek into your blog now as well!



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