Yesterday was a huge day for me. I drove the treacherous roads and climbed the high stairs to move into my new apartment in the arctic of Idaho. I am going to school at byu-idaho or as some people say byu-i do. We'll see for me:) Starting this new chapter in my life was so nervracking to get to, but now that I'm here, I couldn't be happier.

My AMAZING parents got me all moved in and settled in my new apartment, took me grocery shopping, and got me a new laptop!!! PS: team macbook. Did I mention that my mom did my first load of dishes? Ya, shes a keeper. My dad helped me with all the technical stuff I would have never been able to figure out. I'm so grateful for such amazing parents who help me out so much.

My roommates are awesome. I really got lucky on this one, one has still not shown up, but I'm excited to meet her as well:) The girl that I'm sharing a room with is from Gilbert too so it's been fun to find out how much we have in common!

There was a talent show last night for all the incoming freshman, and man do we have some talented kids who go here! I ran into some more 
people that I know not only from Arizona but also 
Utah from elementary school! Such a small world I'm realizing. 

This town is super cute and small, I love it. 

OH! might I add that I cooked a very lovely breakfast this morning? Heck yes I did. Go me.

Sooo I won't make you listen to more of my boring day, but just wanted to let you all know, it's amazing here so far! 

Life is good at BYU-Idaho.
